SHIFT Over the Years
Connect 2021
Shift Equity included conversations about community and culture, services and infrastructure, health, education and information. Keynote speakers were Dr. Laxmi Prasad Pant and Dr. Kate Mulligan
Equity 2020
Shift Equity included conversations about accessibility, affordable housing, and age-friendly cities. Keynote speakers were Ted Rutland and David Wachsmuch.
Equity 2019
Shift Equity included conversations about accessibility, affordable housing, and age-friendly cities. Keynote speakers were Richard Milgrom from the University of Manitoba and Catherine Hamel from the University of Calgary.
Streets 2018
Shift Streets was chosen to empower us to make our streets year-round destinations that connect our city. Through this lens we focused on the people of our cities to discuss how and what needs to be changed to improve our streets for the pedestrian rather than the vehicle
In Transit 2017
Shift InTransit encouraged conversations about how transit planning in Halifax could improve. Guests from the US and Canada discussed how they have made their transit systems more equitable, sustainable, and user-friendly. Workshops on rural transit planning and HRM's new Integrated Mobility Plan were among the activities for participants.
Engage 2016
To explore the theme of community engagement, we asked - how do we work with communities in a more creative, empowering, and inclusive way? Guest speakers included Randolph Hester, Jim Diers and Tim Merry.
Resilience 2015
Resilient communities adapt to the challenges of climate change, energy crises, aging population and unforeseen problems. In the face of an uncertain future, how can Nova Scotia plan and design for all seasons and cycles?